Liturgical Living Topics
The life of the Church is rooted in the liturgical calendar. Each season brings its own beauty and tradition. Incorporating the liturgical season into our daily lives will enrich our faith and help us live in unity with the Church. These presentations can help your community live liturgically.

Ordinary Time is Really Extraordinary
Our faith is one that is simply extraordinary! During these "ordinary" times it's important to recall and understand how extraordinary our faith is. In this presentation, we take time to explore all the extraordinary graces we receive throughout our lives as members of this faith and through our participation at Mass!

Are There Really 12 Days of Christmas?
The twelve days of Christmas take us from the Nativity to the Epiphany. The Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, the angels, shepherds, and wisemen adored our Lord. We too are called to participate in this great honor to not only visit but adore our Lord during these twelve days. How do we celebrate this great gift given to us from the Father? We will explore wonderful opportunities for each of us to celebrate during this awesome time set aside to adore our newborn King.

The Day God Joined Our Humanity
Isn't Christmas wonderful! Yet, do we spend time focusing on what it is that we are celebrating? Christmas is much more than presents. In this presentation we will contemplate this most wonderful day that God joined our humanity. The infant Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes, the wood of the manger, the lambs of the shepherds, and many more images of the Christmas season point us to the love and sacrifice of the Father through His Son.

Understanding the Season of Christmas and Our Participation
Christmas is one of the most important days of the Church year, second only to Easter itself. During this season we celebrate the birth of Christ into our world and into our hearts and reflect on the gift of salvation that is born with Him. This is such a beautiful season but one that is so often overlooked as we often get caught up in the season of spending and self. With this presentation, we spend time on the significance of this season and our ability to participate more fully with this great gift we receive from God.

Understanding the Triduum
The Easter Triduum begins with the Vigil of Holy Thursday. It marks the end of the forty days of Lent and the beginning of the three-day celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday. Do we really understand the significance of these days? This presentation will bring everyone a little closer to their relationship with Christ and understanding this great and wonderful time known as the Triduum.

Easter Octave Means What?
The Octave of Easter is one of the lesser known liturgical celebrations in the Catholic Church. It includes Easter Sunday and the seven days that follow, culminating in the celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday. The Octave of Easter remains a celebratory time for Christians around the world and is meant to be a joyous time to remain in the beauty of the Lord's resurrection. Together we will discover my these eight days are counted as solemnities, the highest-ranking feast day.

Understanding the Season of Easter and Our Participation
The season of Easter is the most important of all liturgical times, during which Catholics celebrate the Lord's resurrection from the dead, culminating to His Ascension to the Father, and sending of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. During this wonderful time we celebrate Jesus' victory over sin and death and obtaining salvation for mankind. This presentation will help us discover how we should respond to this undeserved gift.
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Mary, NC
"The most dynamic speaker I've heard in a long time."